In this course, you’ll go from being an "accidental" to abundant gardener with repeatable skills to create a high-yielding, efficient, small-space garden year after year.

You’ll finish this course knowing what to plant when, how to track your progress, and how to implement your plan every season.

Before I tell you all about this knowledge-packed course, let’s talk about who this is really for…

You want to grow healthy food in your garden, but don’t want to lose it all to insect pests and other critters. Maybe you’re afraid of bugs and want to change your relationship to them. Most of all you want to know how to filter through all the information out there about how to manage and prevent pests.

Whether you’re…

A dabbling gardener who wants to learn how to plan ahead for a better, more successful garden experience

A beginner who doesn't know where to start, what to plant when, where, and how much to plant.

A garden nerd who wants to step up your game to make your garden even more efficient and productive.

If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place! Now I’m going to tell you how the Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden course will teach you my step-by-step proven technique for plotting your seasonal garden for high-yields and efficient spacing. Read on!

By the end of this course, you will have:

  • The foundational skills to plan your garden on paper that help you grow more in less space year after year.
  • A repeatable process that will make seasonal planning easier and more successful.
  • Expert strategies that make the most of your gardening space.
  • Knowledge of what to grow when for your cool, warm and hot-seasons.
  • More confidence to tackle whatever garden pest problems come your way.
  • sense of well-being, knowing that you are able to plan, track, and enjoy a more abundant, successful harvest from your home garden.

“The garden abundance course has helped me plan and plant my best garden ever! I'm an experienced gardener, but this course has helped me rethink my garden and optimize my techniques to get the most out of my small space. Now that I'm putting my plan into action, I've found that I'm able to problem solve much more effectively. Truly a worthy investment of my time and money!”
Susan Kline Chang
San Diego, CA

Enroll in Gardenerd’s Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden Today!

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VIP Access! Get all the tools to go from "accidental" to abundant gardener plus a 1/2 hour follow up consultation with Christy.

VIP Access Payment Plan
3 payments of $59/month

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A green thumb's step-by-step guide for an efficient, productive, delicious garden, season after season.

Independent Study Payment Plan
2 payments of $31/month

What Clients & Students Say about Christy's Classes

"Christy really knows what she is talking about. She gives you clear guidance and information that is incredibly helpful!! And no judgement. She is a true gem!!"

Karen Moore, Los Angeles, CA

"I am a beginner gardener with grand delusions of what I can do. My previous attempts to grow my own food have never really lived up to my expectations. Christy really helped to take some of the mystery out of my mistakes. Her knowledge and experience helped me understand timing and techniques of working in our environment to get a successful garden. As well as how to work with the mistakes for lessons learned. I highly recommend Christy as a teacher."

Anne Buttyan, CA

Christy's Organic Gardening 101 class was transformative, opening my eyes to the importance of soil, biodiversity, healthy ecosystems, and growing food organically. Her course gave me the confidence to grow my very first garden, starting from seeds. Fast forward a couple years and I can never have too many grow lights, raised beds, flowers, and compost bins!

Vivian Park, Bozeman, MT

"Christy's classes rocked my world. I am so glad to have crossed paths with her.  I have started compost, mulch, veggies from seed, wildflowers, and more. All with varied success. But now I don't feel bad when they plotz. I just start over."

Alissa White, Founder of MatchaSource

Module One


Right from the beginning we’ll cover the often confusing details about what to grow when. We break it down for you so it's easy to remember, and easy to decide what crops to include in your garden, depending on the season. You'll find handy cheat sheets with guides for cool, warm, and hot season vegetables. We'll explain "crossover crops" that bridge seasons, and give you advice for how to find your frost dates to ensure it's safe to plant your garden.


Module Two


Module Two prepares you for the task of planning your garden on paper. You'll learn what supplies and reference materials you'll need to get started. We'll share tricks to enhance your garden's orientation, and the best way to track your seasonal plantings every year. These strategies will become invaluable as your garden grows.


Module Three


In this module, we dive into the Christy's step-by-step process that she uses with her clients and students every day. You'll learn how to logically plot out each crop, and how to notate your plan for easy reference throughout the season. These repeatable steps will guide you every season from now on.


Module Four


In Module Four, Christy demonstrates the process from start to finish for both cool season and warm/hot season plans. You'll see examples of the step-by-step process in action. You can work along with Christy to plot your own garden each season, or just watch to refresh your memory anytime.


Module Five


This bonus module offers great strategic plant placement ideas to get even more out of your garden. We've used these techniques to grow multiple crops in a shared space. This module also includes a handy lesson on bed preparation before planting.

Get Started

Enroll in Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden Today!

Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden will give you a skills to confidently plan your seasonal garden every year!

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How do I know this process will work in my garden?

Every garden is different, but when you learn the basic skills and strategies offered in this course, you will be able to apply them to your garden. I explain why factors vary so that you'll understand how to tweak the guidelines to suit your garden.

I prefer to fly by the seat of my pants. Won't this process kill my creative energy?

I hear you, even the most spontaneous gardener will benefit from the techniques used in this course. If you want to get more from your garden, and help plants grow in harmony, this course will help you do that.

I’m fairly new to gardening. Will this course be too advanced for me?

I have a habit of doling out a TON of information when I teach. What I like to say is this: some of it will stick to your brain, some of it will slide off. But the NEXT time you hear it, more will stick. Even if you only walk away with the basic knowledge that I discuss in Modules1 and 3, you’ll have enough information to create your garden plan and implement the rest of the material as you get more experience. Remember, you’ll have lifetime access to this course.

Do I have to complete the course in one week?

Once you buy Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden, you’ll have lifetime access. You can buzz through each module in one day or one week or longer, if you need. You can take your time, and revisit each module as you grow through your gardening season. This course will be here for you anytime you need it.

Am I going to have to invest a lot of money in order to implement what I learn from Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden?

The supplies you need for this course are very inexpensive. If, however, you want to explore more technically savvy apps and programs available out there in the world, it does require an investment. I'm very old school and prefer to work on paper with very low-tech requirements from the get-go.

If I choose the Independent Study option, do I get any personal attention from you?

The one-on-one session with me is only available through VIP access. You can always write into Ask Gardenerd with your burning questions, and that will be the customer support email address you can use to contact us if you are having trouble working through the course. You’ll also have access to the bonuses that are available to anyone who signs up for the course.

Get Started

Enroll in Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden Today!

Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden will give you a skills to confidently plan your seasonal garden every year!

Still “thinking about it”?

Are you tired of getting a lackluster harvest for all the effort? Do you want to get more from the garden each season? My step-by-step process is chock-full of proven techniques to help you do that.

We all want less guesswork in the garden, too. If you're not great at tracking your garden plans from year to year, let's work together to make the process easier.

You’re doing your best to grow food for you and your family, but there's always room for improvement. I want to help you grow your best, most productive garden yet. Let's make your best even better.

I’ve spent more than 16 years helping people grow a ton of food in small spaces. I've been using this method in my own garden for nearly 30 years. Now I want to help you do the same year after year, without having to hire a professional. With Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden, you’ll be able to spend more time enjoying your garden and less time wondering how to improve it. Together we can grow more food with success.

"I am so pleased with myself for digging in (no pun intended) to Christy’s online gardening course this season. [The] instructions and advice are easy to understand and the short pods of info in this course were great for me because I could view them in the little bits of time I had here and there and was able to move forward. The fruits of my labor are already showing signs of success because the garden is actually growing!"
September Fosythe

I'm excited to help you plan your next garden!

I used to be a dancer, but when an injury took me out of dancing, gardening took its place in my heart. I’ve spent nearly 30 years nerding out on the best methods for growing edible crops, fruit trees, herbs, and beneficial flowers. And my mission is to help others do the same.

Saving the world, one garden at a time!

You feel called to gardening too, either as a hobbyist or a lifestyle. You want to harvest fresh veggies, steps away from your door, and you want to do it with confidence. Let me help you succeed along the way. Take the plunge and join me inside Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden.

See you soon,

Christy Wilhelmi


Get Started

Enroll in Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden Today!

Plan Your Abundant Edible Garden will give you a skills to confidently plan your seasonal garden every year!